
Daripada Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-'As bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Empat ciri jika kamu memilikinya,kamu adalah munafiq tulen, dan siapa yang memiliki salah satu daripadanya,bererti dia memiliki salah satu daripada ciri nifaq sehingga meninggalkan sifat itu iaitu; apabila diberi amanah dia khianati,apabila bercakap dia berbohona, apabila berjanji dia mungkir, dan apabila bertengkar dia melampaui batas."

Nauzubillahiminzalik..semoga kita dilindungi-Nya..

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Project 1:Future of Bamboo Dome

Colour media, Drawing, complete one!
This task consist of two sketches. The first one is the dome I see in the future and the second one is about the scene when people used them.

The most important thing we need to figure out the problems and it's functionality to environment and people. The dome are built using bamboo struds. The bamboo struds are believed to be much more stronger than a steel and low-cost. Moreover, the material are eco-friendly and safe to our atmosphere.

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