
Daripada Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-'As bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Empat ciri jika kamu memilikinya,kamu adalah munafiq tulen, dan siapa yang memiliki salah satu daripadanya,bererti dia memiliki salah satu daripada ciri nifaq sehingga meninggalkan sifat itu iaitu; apabila diberi amanah dia khianati,apabila bercakap dia berbohona, apabila berjanji dia mungkir, dan apabila bertengkar dia melampaui batas."

Nauzubillahiminzalik..semoga kita dilindungi-Nya..

Monday, October 18, 2010

Progress for Exhibition

Today all of us submit our Dymaxion and 1500 Words Paper .I also submit my re-do project 1;Me, My thoughts and I.
From this asignment, I found out that patience and teamwork are important in order to complete the group task.If we need something to ask, we should ask before it will become to late to change our mistakes.
It reminds me about the proverbs; united we stand, divided we fall which means we need to work together to achieve our mission. 1 HBP 1 Mission 1 Aspiration!

On 18/10/2010, It will become a memory (and history I guess) for the HBP's 1st year student .
I am  also the late comer in today studio lecture. Several of us enter the E48b hall nearly 9:30am ( My roomate and I woke up early ok? We perform the subuh prayer also ler=(...)
Yes, it is our fault for coming late and should not make any excuses especially about the bus being late.
However, we had realise our mistakes and yet it is part of learning when we were punished. And I'm very grateful as we are among the brave student who sat on the floor and admitted our own fault. This is because I saw some student who also come late with me and did not even come down to admit their fault. Instead, they are the one who also making the paper ball to throw at us. I don't care about them as it is none of my business. Still this kind of atitude will lead to the bad behaviour someday. I can see that it is related to  responsibility in our actions. If I were given a chance to say what did we felt about being late, that is what will I told in the particular time.

And Gosh! The lecturers still want us working with bamboo again? Whoa, I thought the bamboo seasons had come to an end? The new project is about Scaffold & Gangplank and also the Tensegrity project. ==.
Seems like it will be a very busy week again.Duh!
Hopefully, I will learn something useful for my future.
By the way, my friends and I will be joining an Hour with Toy Musuem =D
I can't wait to see the sequences.

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