
Daripada Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-'As bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Empat ciri jika kamu memilikinya,kamu adalah munafiq tulen, dan siapa yang memiliki salah satu daripadanya,bererti dia memiliki salah satu daripada ciri nifaq sehingga meninggalkan sifat itu iaitu; apabila diberi amanah dia khianati,apabila bercakap dia berbohona, apabila berjanji dia mungkir, dan apabila bertengkar dia melampaui batas."

Nauzubillahiminzalik..semoga kita dilindungi-Nya..

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Project 5B: Merdeka Countdown

Penang Time Square, 30 August 2010 - Groups of USM HBP students gathered together to celebrate 53th Merdeka Countdown. The students were divided into groups of ten and were given their own part.There were two groups,Band 10 and Strikers as bamboo sound makers(BST)  and 10 groups as the balloon releaser. Two student that are Mr Rahmat and Mr Bie Xinyu as the flag bearer and group Sprint making a 3 minutes theaterette called the Horizons. Then, Mr Azwan that was selected as HBP's Tunku Abd Rahman icon going up to the stage.

When the clock nearly strikes to 12am, all of the students and Youth Jam 10' organizer started to countdown.At 00:00:00 am all of us shouted MERDEKA!!


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