
Daripada Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-'As bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Empat ciri jika kamu memilikinya,kamu adalah munafiq tulen, dan siapa yang memiliki salah satu daripadanya,bererti dia memiliki salah satu daripada ciri nifaq sehingga meninggalkan sifat itu iaitu; apabila diberi amanah dia khianati,apabila bercakap dia berbohona, apabila berjanji dia mungkir, dan apabila bertengkar dia melampaui batas."

Nauzubillahiminzalik..semoga kita dilindungi-Nya..

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The 101 Mask

On 25th July 2010 we're given project c by our lecturer, Dr Wan Burhanuddin. We need to make a mask from paper mache. One with black and white painting and another one is skin colour. Here are the procedure:

1)Materials: Paper,Tissue,Water,Glue

2) Paper being mashed

3) Paper and tissue being paste on to balloon by layered

4)Mashed paper are paste on to paste paper and tissue
5) After the mashed paper dried, paste an A4 paper for smooth face surface

6) The mask being paint with white and black colour

6) Final touch!

The same method are being used for the second mask. And here is the final product.

7) Walaa~  I made it!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bamboo Sound Tool (BST)

We're given a task  to make Bamboo Sound Tool(BST) 
by our lecturer Dr Wan Burhanuddin on the last Friday. 
At first, I planned to make a flute but
unfoturnately the flute failed to produce a sound 
as the bamboo hole is too narrowed.
So, I decided to make Gamelan-look like sound tool.
Figure 1: Saw Bamboo

                Figure 2: BST has been completed

It is more easier to make the Gamelan compared to make a flute.
You just need to tie up the bamboo stem as in figure 2.
Each bamboo produce different sound and tone.
In contrary , the flute needs to be punch  holes .
It takes a lot of patient 
in order to find a suitable stem to be punch !
figure 3: A Group of BST

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bamboo Clusters

Yesterday we're going for bamboo 'hunt' at the Taman Buluh nearer with RST hostel. It was fun eventhough I felt bit tired after all...MySpace My team was the first one who found the bamboo clusters. We found it in a farm ( bushes everywhere...Luckily no snakes or scorpion or other dangerous reptile I saw!)

This activity ended by 4pm after taking several snapshot.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What I heard- Log 09:00-16:00 12 July 2010

This entry for my assignment 101/1: My Virtual Home

I'm going to let you guys know what was happening in my first lecture at E 48 B. I went to School of Housing,Building and Planning( HBP) early in the morning and the class started at 9 am.  My new lecturer name for RUS 101 is Mr Wan Burhanuddin  Wan Abidin

     We're given a lecture briefing before he started his lecture. There was 3 parts of lecture that been explained by him.First was about USM as Malaysian APEX University. He explained what should the Apex student behave and look like. There are six things needed to complete the production that are:

  1. Intention
  2. Act
  3. Product
  4. Actor
  5. Rule
  6. Place
Without those element, an excellent product formed could not be produce perfectly. In order to become HBP excellent Apex Student, we as the students need  to be good,better and best. I also  studied aspects of 3Ps as a paradigm shift that is excellent students which is people,place and principles. So, I must do the good,better and best to become what USM wants to achieve and produce.

 Next, we are introduced to our studiomasters. Starting from Architecture department:
  1. Ar Mohd Najib Bin Mohd Salleh
From Constuction Management department:
  1. Dr Mohd Hanizun Hanafi
  2. Dr Ilias Said
  3. Dr Abdelnaser Omran Ali
From Building Technology Department:
  1. Dr Mohd Zailan Suleiman 
In conclusion, I can summarize that we ( the students) need to work hard, extra working hours, submit every assignment on time( do not delay the assignment given) and never copy paste the assignment. So, I can ensure that the blog is the result of my work.
source: Google picture

The shocking cat- It was suprised as I was suprised to receive the first assignment in the first lecture.